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The cross is one of most the
common charges used in heraldry, and comes in an almost
endless variety of different forms.
arrow flights |
barby |
Borromean rings |
bottony |
Byzantine |
Celtic |
Celtic 2 |
clechy |
clechy and bottony |
Toulouse |
Coptic |
couped |
degraded |
crosslet |
ermine |
fitchy |
fitchy double |
fitchy treble |
fleury |
patonce |
Alacantra |
formy |
formy 2 |
formy 3 |
formy 4 |
formy fitched (the lower arm
ending in a point) |
formy alisee |
formy alisee 2 |
fourchy |
knotwork |
Latin |
moline |
moline 2 |
recercley |
Maltese |
Calvary |
Egyptian or ankh |
double or Lorraine |
patriarchal |
Papal |
Russian |
pommy or pommely |
pommy |
potenty |
Jerusalem |
repotenty |
potenty variation 2 |
Templar |
fitchy variation |
fitchy double with lozenges |
Bowen |
quadrate |
ending in crescents |
ending in fusils |
annulate |
of nine roundels |
of nine lozenges |
Tau or St. Anthony's |
Saxon |
anchored |
St. Peter's |
St. Julians |
fleuretty |
moussuee |
millrine |
urdy |
avellane |
swastika |
fylfot |
fylfot variation |
St. James' |
gringoly |
Basics of Heraldry

Arms created by
the Online Heraldry