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Two adjoining
shops with scratch-built internal decoration.
In the quiet village of Augusta, where Masons Alley crosses Main Street,
you will find two shops. The first, Number 11, is "Burke and Hare's
Funeral Services", which handles all of the undertaking business for the
surrounding area. The corpses are lain in coffins for friends and family
to view, before being taken to the appropriate clerics for the final
ritual - be it burial or cremation. Next door, at Number 13, you will
find an unusual boutique. Known as "Ye Body Shoppe", it supplies rare
and bizarre items for arcane alchemical recipes, together with some of
the more unusual components used in the dark art of necromancy. All the
local folk have adopted the somewhat superstitious practice of offering
up prayers to the departed as they pass by, leading to the spot being
named "Amen Corner".
As we shall
discover, the truth of the matter is much darker than it appears at
first glance...
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A view of the two shop fronts from across the
street. |
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The front right view of the shop fronts. |
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The rear of the two shops, showing a few broken
tiles on the roof. |
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View along Main Street. |
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"Welcome sir. Do come in. How may one be of
service? Oh! I see, sir. Would you prefer this mahogany casket,
or the pine one outside, sir?"
(Does every funeral parlour have a potted plant in the
window?) |
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"What's behind the black curtain, sir? You
wouldn't be interested, sir, it's just where the bodies are
prepared. Gets a little smelly in there at times, sir."
Note the back door leading to the 'storeroom' between the two
buildings. |
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Meanwhile, at Ye Body Shoppe, a young necromancer
enters and sees a fantastic wealth of useful items - An
Hourglass of Timestop, goldfish for Identify spells, a crystal
ball, a crystal skull...
"Welcome mathter", lisps Igor the flesh golem from behind
the counter. |
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"I thee you are interethted in our uthed
itemth. Thome of them ARE thecond hand, young mathter, if you'll
ecthcuthe the pun, and of courthe they have all been tethted on
animalth, or in animalth, or both."
Next to the bits of dismembered bodies, are shelves holding pots
and bottles holding poisons, potions, oils and dusts of various
sorts. |
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Opposite these the young man spots a bookcase
filled with heavy tomes.
"The library sir? Yes, we currently have copies of 'Ghost',
'The Wraith', The Mummy', 'Interview with the Vampire', 'Night
of the Living Dead', 'Dead Man Walking', 'Wanted: Dead or Undead',
'Undeath Becomes Her', 'The Liches of Eastwick', 'Calendar
Ghouls', 'Undeath Wish' volumes I - V, 'The Uninvited Ghast',
'Single Wight Female', 'Undead Poets
Society', and the current necromantic bestseller: 'How to Make
Friends and Influence People'."
"Oopth, I forgot to lithp there. Thorry thir!" |
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"How much is this poison?", says the
necromancer struggling to remove a bottle from the shelf.
"Pleathe don't touch that, thir!", shouts Igor, but it's
too late. Something emits a sharp click, and slowly the entire
wall begins to move, silently opening to reveal the secret
entrance leading straight to the undertakers next door! |
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Had the young man been allowed to climb the
stairs, he would have seen some of the ill-gotten gains stored
there by the two villains - chests filled with gold and gems,
and a magical mirror.
Strangely the windows have been plastered over, excluding the
sunlight. |
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At the other end of the room stands a huge
four-poster bed, where Mr. Burke likes to fetch his latest
conquests for a quick bite. Mr. Hare, of course, sleeps in one
of the coffins next door, and Igor never sleeps. |
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The buildings were designed to be somewhat
modular, and allow for different arrangements - this one shows how the storeroom becomes
a porch. |
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Another arrangement, with a single-storey half-timbered cottage next to a three-storey stone townhouse. |
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To make the buildings more flexible, the signs
were fitted by attaching clear plastic to the back. This fits in
the gap where the buildings come apart. It also makes it far
less likely that they will get broken off.
to make removable signs |
A friend of mine is
currently playing a necromancer character, and it set me thinking -
Where would they buy their stuff in a Lawful Evil market town? This
model is one possibility.
Moulds used: # 41 Gothic Dungeon Accessories, # 43 Gothic Panel
Accessories, # 44 Gothic Additional Accessories, # 45 Gothic Dungeon
Builder, # 54 Gothic Church, # 55 Bell Tower, # 201 Floor Tiles, # 230
Clay Roof Tiles |