Anglo-Saxon Female Names

Random name generator for roleplayers

Anglo-Saxon Males

Anglo-Saxon Females

Norse Males

Norse Females

Roman Males

Roman Females

Dwarven Males

Dwarven Females

Elven Males

Elven Females

Minarian Names

Orc Names

Eadryssa Cynilda Brictinda Raedbertha Wilryssa Leoinda
Raedilda Raedryssa Theowynne Athellinda Beowynne Oswen
Ceolgytha Athelhilda Sherryssa Baldthrith Cynlinda Cenelda
Sherfleda Cynkilda Caedberga Egbertha Ceolhilda Wilwynne
Raedryssa Cenilda Athelgarda Wilreda Albertha Wulfhilda
Ethelmona Cendreda Algiva Beomona Athelwitha Egwitha
Brictilda Eadlynne Shermona Sherelda Wilwitha Brictwen
Aelffleda Alhilda Theogarda Atheldreda Wulfberga Leowynne
Osgarda Brictgarda Ceolgiva Sherelda Godbertha Eldreda
Ethelgiva Caeddreda Athelgarda Cenwen Raedinda Allynne



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