Anglo-Saxon Female Names

Random name generator for roleplayers

Anglo-Saxon Males

Anglo-Saxon Females

Norse Males

Norse Females

Roman Males

Roman Females

Dwarven Males

Dwarven Females

Elven Males

Elven Females

Minarian Names

Orc Names

Eldryssa Theomona Baldhilda Brictryssa Cenwynne Caedwitha
Baldkilda Aelfgiva Sherelda Theodreda Eghilda Cynwitha
Cynwen Athelwen Raedhilda Ceolwynne Beornwynne Wilreda
Oshilda Eldwitha Cynhilda Aelfreda Athelgarda Brictmona
Leoinda Theowynne Atheldreda Oswitha Beogarda Beornryssa
Aelfhilda Wilhilda Ceolreda Raedgarda Ceninda Alwitha
Ceolberga Ceolelda Beowen Cynberga Athelgarda Ceolilda
Beorninda Leogarda Athelgarda Ceolfleda Egelda Raeddreda
Theoelda Ethelbertha Beogarda Wulflynne Eadilda Caedwen
Eoelda Alilda Egdreda Ceolgiva Osryssa Sherryssa



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