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A model depicting my interpretation of M. C. Escher's
"Ascending and Descending" lithograph.
In 1960 Mauritz Cornelis Escher produced
this famous lithograph. I have loved his optical illusions ever since I
first saw them as a child, and could think of no greater challenge for
HADD7 than to construct an impossible building. (Some ideas seem a lot
better after alcohol.) The two major problems were the creation of a
working plan, and the constraint that it had to built using Hirst Arts
pieces. Unfortunately for me, Bruce hasn't yet gotten round to making
impossible four dimensional moulds, and Escher could make his arches any
size he liked - and he seems to have liked a lot of different ones.
Having worked out the perspective viewpoint, I made my plans in Corel
Draw, and worked out that, with a few custom bits and pieces, it could
actually be done. This was the start of a major commitment in time,
effort and the consumption of far too much coffee - but I think the
results were worth the pain. Finally looking through the camera from the
correct viewpoint where the building looks 'right' was at once quite
unnerving and very satisfying. To put it in Escher's words: "Whoever
wants to portray something that does not exist must obey the same rules
as for the teller of fairy tales: he must produce contrasts, he must
cause a shock."
Moulds used: # 41 Gothic Dungeon Accessories, # 43
Gothic Panel Accessories, # 44 Gothic Additional Accessories, # 45
Gothic Dungeon Builder, # 54 Gothic Church, # 55 Bell Tower, # 61
Turret, # 201 Floor Tiles, # 230 Clay Roof Tiles
Custom Moulded Pieces: Balustrade, Knight statue,
Triple window arches, Small arches, Corbels, Barrels, Crates, Doors,
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