

What's New

Historic Sites









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Puzzle Sites

Polyform Curiosities An absolute goldmine of information and solutions for puzzles involving polyforms, created by George Sicherman.
Polyomino Puzzles Some interesting polyomino puzzles created by Odette de Meulemeester
Kadon Enterprises, for the joy of thinking... the world's largest collection of hands-on polyform and edge-matching puzzles... so beautiful, they're art. 

Gardening Sites

Teak St. Allotments The official website of the Teak Street Allotments, Blackburn

Castle Sites


CastleFacts A database of castles in the UK with detailed information about over 5000 defensive sites in England, Wales, the Channel Isles and the Isle of Man.
Pastscape Repository for the national sites and monuments records for England
Canmore Repository for the national sites and monuments records for Scotland
Coflein Repository for the national sites and monuments records for Wales

Castles of Cumbria

Castles of Cumbria Matthew Emmott's excellent blog with pictures and information about castles, churches and other historic sites in and around Cumbria.
Completely Castles Lucy Sheers' site with lots of beautiful pictures.

Online Tools

LED centre LED Calculator Simple calculator to find the correct value of resistor for an LED circuit. There is also a link to a second calculator, which deals with resistors and  layout for multiple LED circuits.

Online Heraldry Generator An online heraldry utility which allows you to generate a vast variety of coats of arms.

Forum Sites

Terragenesis A very expansive source of ideas and information about all aspects of the terrain building hobby. You can easily lose yourself for an hour or two looking round this site.

Blogs & Personal Sites

RastlWorld Hirst Arts, miniatures, painting, 3D printing, airbrushes - and load more.
Snitchy the Dog Terrain, skeletons and lots of zombies.
Proud Ships An amazing Circus Maximus in Hirst Arts
Terrain Project Some nice ideas here for wargaming terrain.

Shop Sites

Directory of Miniature Manufacturers


Game Decor, LLC. Game Decor Supplier of modular dungeons for 3D printers.
Raven's Games Free wargames distributed in .PDF format. Don't forget to donate if you like the games.
Thormarillion German supplier of some interesting building accessories and features. Site in English and German