Anglo-Saxon Male Names

Random name generator for roleplayers

Anglo-Saxon Males

Anglo-Saxon Females

Norse Males

Norse Females

Roman Males

Roman Females

Dwarven Males

Dwarven Females

Elven Males

Elven Females

Minarian Names

Orc Names

Raedlyn Athelwulf Beogar Wulfwulf Godfrith Cenlyn
Egwulf Caedric Brictric Godwahl Godgard Beogar
Eldred Osbald Wilgar Aelfstan Eldnoth Ethelgard
Sherwyn Sherbert Ceolric Cengard Cenbald Bricthart
Ethelrys Ethelrys Eostan Theomund Beorngard Aelflyn
Eadwulf Eored Ethelgar Aelflyn Raedfrith Cyngar
Athelward Leowald Aelfgard Cynwyn Athelmund Eadnoth
Ceolhart Cynwahl Beorngar Leored Leolyn Egward
Cyndred Beornwyn Osgar Eobert Beobald Athelbert
Ethelric Godmund Cynred Beornmon Caedgard Alward



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