Anglo-Saxon Males
Anglo-Saxon Females
Norse Males
Norse Females
Roman Males
Roman Females
Dwarven Males
Dwarven Females
Elven Males
Elven Females
Minarian Names
Orc Names
Raedgard |
Raedwulf |
Eldbald |
Egrys |
Eowald |
Godmon |
Eldnoth |
Sherred |
Cynbert |
Athelgar |
Eldbald |
Theored |
Theolyn |
Athelmon |
Cenwyn |
Baldhart |
Wilric |
Baldwulf |
Godred |
Osrys |
Beornwulf |
Albert |
Caedward |
Beornmon |
Eaddred |
Godwulf |
Eostan |
Beornbert |
Beoward |
Theofrith |
Oswald |
Alstan |
Eadric |
Aelfwahl |
Baldred |
Atheldred |
Baldbald |
Cenric |
Aelfwald |
Ethelwahl |
Eadbald |
Leogar |
Eadstan |
Cenward |
Shernoth |
Albert |
Osrys |
Caedbald |
Cynbald |
Wilrys |
Brictric |
Theomund |
Raedric |
Baldlyn |
Ethelwulf |
Eostan |
Caedric |
Wilgar |
Caedrys |
Leolyn |
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