Anglo-Saxon Males
Anglo-Saxon Females
Norse Males
Norse Females
Roman Males
Roman Females
Dwarven Males
Dwarven Females
Elven Males
Elven Females
Minarian Names
Orc Names
Osward |
Godfrith |
Baldnoth |
Eadrys |
Cenmon |
Beoric |
Beored |
Eadmund |
Raedmon |
Eomund |
Caedgard |
Osbald |
Eoward |
Beolyn |
Wilbald |
Brictnoth |
Leored |
Caedgar |
Osred |
Beornstan |
Cynhart |
Theowald |
Athelmund |
Brictfrith |
Theowulf |
Brictlyn |
Beornred |
Egwald |
Cenric |
Censtan |
Ceolgard |
Eodred |
Beornwahl |
Raedbald |
Athelgard |
Raednoth |
Wulfgar |
Beornbert |
Beogar |
Shermund |
Osred |
Raedward |
Ethelred |
Raedred |
Eowahl |
Theowahl |
Wilwyn |
Egbert |
Wilmon |
Elddred |
Beornrys |
Cenwahl |
Eobert |
Cenric |
Leowald |
Beomund |
Theohart |
Athelmund |
Beornnoth |
Cenwald |
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