Anglo-Saxon Male Names

Random name generator for roleplayers

Anglo-Saxon Males

Anglo-Saxon Females

Norse Males

Norse Females

Roman Males

Roman Females

Dwarven Males

Dwarven Females

Elven Males

Elven Females

Minarian Names

Orc Names

Osward Godfrith Baldnoth Eadrys Cenmon Beoric
Beored Eadmund Raedmon Eomund Caedgard Osbald
Eoward Beolyn Wilbald Brictnoth Leored Caedgar
Osred Beornstan Cynhart Theowald Athelmund Brictfrith
Theowulf Brictlyn Beornred Egwald Cenric Censtan
Ceolgard Eodred Beornwahl Raedbald Athelgard Raednoth
Wulfgar Beornbert Beogar Shermund Osred Raedward
Ethelred Raedred Eowahl Theowahl Wilwyn Egbert
Wilmon Elddred Beornrys Cenwahl Eobert Cenric
Leowald Beomund Theohart Athelmund Beornnoth Cenwald



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