Anglo-Saxon Males
Anglo-Saxon Females
Norse Males
Norse Females
Roman Males
Roman Females
Dwarven Males
Dwarven Females
Elven Males
Elven Females
Minarian Names
Orc Names
Wulfilda |
Cenryssa |
Wilgiva |
Cenfleda |
Godgarda |
Caedberga |
Eldmona |
Wilinda |
Theofleda |
Brictinda |
Baldberga |
Sherilda |
Wulfwen |
Leoreda |
Wilgytha |
Brictwitha |
Eldgytha |
Eggytha |
Beokilda |
Caedbertha |
Raedlynne |
Baldgarda |
Caedgarda |
Wilthrith |
Wulfinda |
Alkilda |
Cynlinda |
Leoryssa |
Sherberga |
Eldryssa |
Ethelwynne |
Ceollinda |
Wilwynne |
Theoryssa |
Aelfwitha |
Eowitha |
Eogytha |
Theoryssa |
Leoinda |
Alreda |
Wulfberga |
Wulfthrith |
Theogytha |
Godwen |
Brictwynne |
Baldwen |
Baldinda |
Caedwynne |
Sherinda |
Wulflinda |
Eoinda |
Sherlinda |
Beornlynne |
Ethelberga |
Baldgytha |
Athelmona |
Athelilda |
Aelfwen |
Osilda |
Baldlinda |
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