Take a full set of 12 pentominoes and
5 tetrominoes. Pick 6 pentominoes at random, then make an 11
x 10 rectangle with a hole to fit each of these shapes. The
holes should not touch one another or the edge of the
rectangle. There are 924 combinations of pentominoes for the
holes. Every combination has many solutions and at least one
layout with a unique solution. Many thanks to George
Sicherman for his help with this puzzle.
George went on to suggest using six
copies of the same pentomino for the holes. We found
solutions for F and P, and unique solutions for L, N, T, U,
V, W, Y and Z. No solution has been found for I, and it is
impossible to place six X holes inside the rectangle.
Odette de Meulemeester has suggested a
variation where the 5 tetrominoes are not permitted to touch
each other, even at the corners. She added a further version
where none of the pentominoes is allowed to touch its own
hole shape.
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