Polyflap Puzzles

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Triflap Puzzles

These puzzles use the 34 triflaps. The pieces cover an area of 102 flaps or 51 unit hexagons.


Geometric Forms


     Use all the pieces to make a symmetric pattern. Here are examples for the different types of symmetry. Click the images below to see a set of puzzles with solutions.

Type of Symmetry

Full Sextarotary Ternary & Horizontal Ternary & Vertical Double Bilateral Trirotary Horizontal Vertical Birotary




     Use all the pieces to make two identical copies of a pattern. Here are examples for the different types of symmetry.

Type of Symmetry

Ternary & Vertical Trirotary Vertical




     Remove one of the 3-symmetric pieces (piece 19 or 34) as a core. Use the other 33 pieces to make three identical copies of a blade pattern. Here are examples for the two different cores.
Ternary & Vertical Trirotary


Di-Triflap Puzzles

These puzzles use a full set of six diflaps, and 34 triflaps. The pieces cover an area of 114 flaps or 57 unit hexagons.

Geometric Forms


     Use all the pieces to make a symmetric pattern. Here are examples for the different types of symmetry.

Type of Symmetry

Full Sextarotary Ternary & Horizontal Ternary & Vertical Double Bilateral Trirotary Horizontal Vertical Birotary



     Use all the pieces to make two identical copies of a pattern. Here are examples for the different types of symmetry.

Type of Symmetry

Ternary & Vertical Trirotary Vertical




     Remove one of the 3-symmetric pieces (triflap 19 or 34) as a core. Use the other 33 pieces to make three identical copies of a blade pattern. Here are examples for the two different cores.
Ternary & Vertical Trirotary


       An oddity is a figure with binary symmetry formed by an odd number of copies of a polyform. You can find more about Polyform Oddities  at George Sicherman's Polyform Curiosities website. Here are the minimal oddities for the diflaps.

Baiocchi Figures

       A Baiocchi Figure is one with maximal symmetry for the set of polyforms. You can find more about Baiocchi Figures at George Sicherman's Polyform Curiosities website. Here are solutions for the di- and triflaps.



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