These puzzles use a full
set of seven tetrahexes. These pieces cover an area of 28
unit hexagons.
Geometric Forms
Butterflies and Propellers
The first
butterfly and propeller puzzles have a single symmetric
piece removed as a body, with the remaining pieces used to
make two identical wings. The final type has a 3-piece body
and two-piece wings. Click the images below to see a
full set of puzzles with solutions. |
Body |
Butterflies |
X |
Propellers |
X |
X |
Tri- and Tetrahex Puzzles
These puzzles use a full
set of seven tetrahexes and three trihexes. These pieces
cover an area of 37 unit hexagons. For clarity, the
tetrahexes are referred to using the usual numbers, with the
trihexes labelled "A", "B" and "C".
Geometric Forms
Butterflies & Twin Propellers
Take one tetrahex and one trihex
piece to make a symmetric body, with the remaining pieces used to
make two identical wings. A solution with mirror symmetry is
a butterfly, whilst one with rotational symmetry is a propeller. |
Body = tetrahex |
+ one of these trihexes |
Butterflies |
Propellers |
2. Take one trihex and all three tetrahexes to make a symmetric body, with the remaining pieces used to
make two identical wings. |
Body = tetrahex |
+ all three trihexes |
Butterflies |
Propellers |
Take three tetrahexes and one trihex to make a symmetric
body, with the remaining
pieces used to make two identical wings. |
Triple Propellers
Complete the Shape
Take three
tetrahex pieces, and make any connected shape of 12 hexagons.
Use the seven remaining pieces to complete the shape so that the complete pattern
is symmetric in some way. |
These puzzles use a full
set of seven tetrahexes, three trihexes, the dihex and
monohex. These pieces cover an area of 40 unit hexagons.
Create a pattern
which encloses the maximum number of unit holes. Here are my
best results for the different types of symmetry. |
Type of Symmetry |
Ternary & Horizontal |
Ternary & Vertical |
Trirotary |
Double Bilateral |
Birotary |
Horizontal |
Vertical |
9 |
6 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
11 |
11 |
Complete the Shape
Take four
tetrahex pieces, and make any connected shape of 16 hexagons.
Use the eight remaining pieces to complete the shape so that the
complete pattern is symmetric in some way. |