1 x 2.4 metre deck board
Plastic mesh
Heavy-duty weed fabric
4 x pop bottle caps
Nails, Screws, U-staples,
Tape Measure, Pencil, Saw,
Drill & drill bits, Screwdriver,
Scissors, Staple Gun, Hammer,
Nail punch, Soldering iron |
Step 1
Measure and mark 2 x 22.5cm
lengths on the deck board. Carefully cut the pieces with the
saw. These form the short ends of the planter and should be cut
to this length even if you use a different sized board.
Step 2
Measure and mark the halfway
point of the remaining deck board. Cut the board in half using
the saw. These form the long sides of the planter and will vary
in length if using different sized timber.
Step 3
Mark and drill 3 holes at each
end of both the long boards. |
Step 4
Screw the long boards to the
short boards to form a frame. |
Step 5
Cut a piece of plastic mesh to
fit the base of the frame. Attach the mesh in place with
U-staples. This will prevent the base from sagging when the
planter is filled with compost.
Step 6
Nail a plastic pop-bottle cap in
each corner. These will act as feet, raising the planter above
the ground and improving drainage. |
Step 7
Turn over the frame, and line the
inside with heavy-duty weed mat, securing it in place using a
staple gun. |
Step 8
Using a soldering iron, melt some
holes in the weed mat to improve drainage. ONLY perform this
step in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors. Melting the
holes rather than cutting them, will prevent the mat from
Step 9
If desired, drill 3 holes in one
side of the planter to a depth of about 5cm. These allow canes to be slotted into place
to support cordon tomatoes, cucumbers etc.
Most standard deck boards are
thick enough to accommodate holes for metal or bamboo canes. If
you are using thinner timber, it may not be possible to make
sufficiently large holes without seriously weakening the
structure. |
Example 1
Three planters made from
reclaimed deck boards. |
Example 2
Planter with three cordon
tomatoes, and metal canes inserted to provide support. |
Example 3
Planters with metal support canes
in my polytunnel. |
Each planter is around the same size as a
large grow-bag, containing roughly 30 litres of compost. They
are ideal for use in a greenhouse or polytunnel with a solid
floor. I have used them successfully to grow tomatoes,
cucumbers, aubergines, peppers and chillies. The planters would
also be excellent on a patio or drive to grow salad crops,
strawberries, flowers etc. If required, it would be simple to
attach mesh or trellis to the canes to provide support for
climbing plants like sweet peas. |