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How to Make Comfrey Tea Liquid Plant Feed

I would advise wearing gloves when handling the plants as the stems can be prickly,

and rubber gloves when dealing with the finished liquid fertiliser.

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Step 1

Comfrey plant in bloom. It is a very useful plant to attract pollinators to your allotment or garden.

Step 2

Collect enough comfrey to fill a container - I'm using a plastic tub that contained fat balls, but whatever you use needs a sealable lid.

Step 3

Place the comfrey in a large tub and chop it up using shears. You'll need a larger tub for this, or you can chop it in smaller batches in the same container.


Step 4

This is how it should look when you've finished.

Step 5

Transfer the chopped comfrey to

a mesh bag. Place the bag in the sealable container.




Step 6

Fill the container with water till the comfrey is completely covered - the stone keeps it submerged

Step 7

Place the lid on loosely to keep the rain out, but do not seal it.


Step 8

After 3 to 4 weeks, the liquid should have gone a murky brown colour and the comfrey tea is ready for use.


Step 9

Remove the mesh bag, and suspend it over a container to collect the last of the liquid.


Step 10

Strain the liquid into the final sealable container, using a fine sieve. This will remove all but the finest particles, and prevent it clogging the rose on your watering can.

Step 11

Seal the lid on the container and label it.

Step 12
The remaining solids can be added to your compost heap, or used as a mulch.
  • This stuff STINKS, so I would not recommend using it on houseplants.
  • Comfrey tea is a concentrated fertiliser and should be diluted 10:1, which means adding about 900ml to a 10 litre watering can. Use as a general purpose fertiliser about once every 4-6 weeks.
  • Comfrey contains vitamins including B12 and essential elements like potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, nitrogen, magnesium, manganese. The fertiliser is rich in potassium, making it particularly beneficial to flowering and fruiting plants.
  • It will also boost general plant health, stimulate growth and bolster the plants' immune system, making them less susceptible to disease and pest damage.

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